
List of all my publications.

  1. canopy_height.png
    Estimating Canopy Height at Scale
    Jan PaulsMax ZimmerUna M. Kelly, Martin Schwartz, Sassan Saatchi, Philippe CIAIS, Sebastian Pokutta, Martin Brandt, and Fabian Gieseke
    In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024
  2. hadwigernelson.png
    Extending the Continuum of Six-Colorings
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.05509, 2024
  3. pde.png
    Neural Parameter Regression for Explicit Representations of PDE Solution Operators
    Konrad MundingerMax Zimmer, and Sebastian Pokutta
    ICLR 2024 Workshop on AI4DifferentialEquations In Science, 2024
  4. byzantine_feddistill.png
    On the Byzantine-Resilience of Distillation-Based Federated Learning
    Christophe RouxMax Zimmer, and Sebastian Pokutta
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12265, 2024
  5. perp_dog.png
    PERP: Rethinking the Prune-Retrain Paradigm in the Era of LLMs
    Max Zimmer, Megi Andoni, Christoph Spiegel, and Sebastian Pokutta
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.15230, 2023
  6. sms_algo_sketch.png
    Sparse Model Soups: A Recipe for Improved Pruning via Model Averaging
    Max ZimmerChristoph Spiegel, and Sebastian Pokutta
    In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024
  7. arthurmerlin.png
    Interpretability Guarantees with Merlin-Arthur Classifiers
    In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2024
  8. bimp_lr_schedules.png
    How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Retraining
    Max ZimmerChristoph Spiegel, and Sebastian Pokutta
    In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
  9. sparsefw_pruneddistance.png
    Compression-aware Training of Neural Networks using Frank-Wolfe
    Max ZimmerChristoph Spiegel, and Sebastian Pokutta
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.11921, 2022
  10. nashflow.png
    Flows over time as continuous limits of packet-based network simulations
    Theresa Ziemke, Leon Sering, Laura Vargas KochMax Zimmer, Kai Nagel, and Martin Skutella
    Transportation Research Procedia, 2021
  11. fw.png
    Deep Neural Network training with Frank-Wolfe
    Sebastian PokuttaChristoph Spiegel, and Max Zimmer
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07243, 2020